Given the current situation surrounding the COVID-19 Pandemic, Greenspace wants to play it safe but also continue to provide the highest quality products and services to all new and existing customers. As we move forward during this unusual time, the health and safety of our customers, employees, their families, and our communities will remain a top priority at Greenspace.

We are creating safe work spaces – whether it be with staggered start times, working remotely, or simply keeping our distance when possible. Greenspace plans to continue operating under normal business hours Monday – Friday, and will work to keep your lawn or landscaping projects on schedule.

All of our sales staff can complete site visits or customer visits remotely or in person with small private consultations. Between FaceTime and other online communications options, we can discuss, plan, and create your landscaping projects without ever meeting face to face. We feel confident that we can still plan your projects and provide any necessary maintenance services you may need in the coming weeks.

We want to do all we can to promote safety and social distancing hoping that will help to combat the community spread. If you ever need help, have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us at, visit our website, or call 563-355-8148. We are so appreciative of all our customers and hope everyone stays healthy!